Internship and Practice

It is important that our Faculty's Summer Internship is carried out within the framework of the work schedule specified in the appendix. In accordance with the Vocational Education Law No. 3308 and the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510, Article 5, clause b, the students who will do their internship are registered by our faculty. Our students will start their internships after the insurance procedures are done by the accounting department of our faculty, internships started without insurance are invalid and it is legally a crime to start internship without insurance. For this reason, in order to avoid criminal sanctions and to avoid suffering, the determined date intervals, work and procedure steps must be meticulously and the internship date change should not be approved unless there is a compulsory situation.

"ARTICLE 5 - (1) Technology Faculty Engineering Departments students graduate and
Marmara University Technology Faculty Engineering Departments
Within the framework of the Undergraduate Education Internship Directive, in private and / or public institutions
They have to do an internship for 72 working days. "

Click to see Internship Application Directive.

2019 Summer Internship Work Flow Chart

This page updated by Teknoloji Fakültesi on 09.03.2025 22:06:19